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Welcome to Rocky

We develop Chirstian Leaders.

I work full time: online courses fit into my schedule, and I’ve heard great things about the school from my friends.

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I could engage with other students and with the prof, but in a way that allowed me to remain in the communities I was already embedded in.

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Application Fee$50.00

Tuition (Most courses at RMC are 3 credit hours)

One Credit Hour$395.00
$425 per credit hour- $30 Pathways Fund scholarship
Access Fee$60.00
per credit hour
Professional Development Unit$100.00
Per unit hour
Continuing Education Unit$58.33
Per unit hour
One Field Education Credits$318.75
Applies to Field Education and Practicum courses

Estimated cost

Estimated one year tuition cost$11,850
30 credit hours
Estimated one year fees cost$1,800
30 credit hours
Estimated one year of book cost$800.00

Graduation Fee

1st & 2nd year $30.00
3rd & 4th year $60.00
Change of Registration Fee $40.00
applicable for each change as of first day of classes
PLAR cost per-credit $120.00
(Prior Learning Assessment & Recognition)
Transcripts $10.00
$10/transcripts to a max. of $30/request
Syllabi $10.00
$10/syllabus to a max. of $30/request

Tuition Refund
and Dropped Course

Tuition refund schedule for Dropped Course:

  • Dropped before 10% of the course time has elapsed, 100% tuition refund except for an administration fee.
  • Dropped between 10% and 30% of course time elapsed, 50% tuition refund except for an administration fee.
  • Dropped after 30% of course time elapsed, no tuition refund.

Grade applied to student transcript for Dropped Course:

  • Dropped before 10% of course material covered or 10% of the course time has elapsed, no grade applied
  • Dropped between 10% and 50% of course material covered or time elapsed, a VW (Voluntary Withdrawal) grade is recorded.
  • Dropped after 50% of course material covered, or time elapsed an F grade is recorded.

Have questions about our fees?

Contact us today, we will be happy to help!